Project type:
Botanical illustrations for packaging, homeware, greeting cards, seed packets and seed collections.
Date: 2000 to Present day
Jekka's, formly known as Jekka's Herb Farm, is my family's business which started when I was 4 years old in our back-garden in Bristol. It was during my A'levels that I started illustrating my mum's catalogue and I have been producing designs for them ever since.
We have produced a cookbook together, illustrations for their seed range, packaging for seed collections, greeting cards, marketing hand-outs, catalogues, packaging for their herbal infusions and their new homeware range.
Jekka’s new collection of beautiful homeware is inspired by Jekka’s Herbetum, launched in 2019 it comes in three designs; Dill, a stunning illustration of the plant in flower; Edible flowers, an elegant one colour print of Nasturtiums, Borage, Marigolds, Alliums and Heartsease; and Ornamental Herbs, a modern twist on a herbal print.