National Trust
Client: National Trust
Hindhead Common and the Devil's Punch Bowl.
Project type:
Botanical illustration of local flora & fauna for use on acoustic panels in the Devils Punchbowl Cafe.
Date: 2023
Introducing a recent project with the National Trust in the Surrey Hills. I was commissioned to produce five illustrations of the local flora and fauna found in the Devil's Punchbowl at Hindhead, which have been transformed into large acoustic panels for the Cafe.
The aim of the project is to showcase the beauty of the local plant species while also improving the visitor experience by reducing noise and adding original artwork to the walls.
I made two site visits and walked the whole circular route with my camera and sketchbook. It is a very popular walking destination and I did not want to reproduce the iconic views but instead magnify in on the details and plants you can find on the trail.
With help from the NT team and the rangers, who look after the site, we compiled a list of the plants and wildlife that had significant relevance to the area.