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Sutton Prep School


Sutton Prep School


Sutton, London

Project type:

Botanical Murals

Date: 2023

Sutton Prep School recently commissioned six botanical murals, funded by a generous donation from a parent, to celebrate her and her daughter's time at the school. These murals can be found in Fernwood House, a specially built building that prioritizes the education and well-being of the students.


On the first meeting, when I walked into the new Fernwood house, the design and concept of the new building inspired by the woodlands on the ground floor and the outdoor classroom on the top floor, was captivating. However, it was the new classroom doors, 2m x 2m, that caught my attention. They were a blank canvas waiting to be painted. 


We wanted to illustrate plants that not only complimented the theme of the new building but would also inspire the girls with a depth of history that could be used in lessons. I have always been drawn to the history of plants, their symbolism and how they have been used around the world, this was a wonderful opportunity to share this passion. On researching the biodiversity of the area and the school moto; "With Courage, With Truth and with Joy" the designs for the six doors emerged.


I hope that these doors bring joy to the students for many years to come. I will treasure my time in Fernwood House creating them, especially the moments I shared with the girls who sat beside me as I painted. 

Good School Guide:

"Flagship new pre-prep building, Fernwood House, is the jewel in the crown. A pupil whispers that it was helped by a ‘generous donation from a parent’. It’s a smart investment, sure to wow those with babes in arms on first school tours. This vibrant yet calming setting is for the littlest learners in the school who appear positively borrower-like in its cavernous classrooms with quite the biggest and prettiest internal doors we’ve ever seen. Each has been hand illustrated with colourful wildflower murals by botanical artist Hannah McVicar. They were inspired in part by head’s horror at reading a report that claimed children could not name British wildlife. Same findings underpin the whole school’s ‘Breathe the Wild Air’ curriculum which is joyfully devised around the natural world and sustainability. Natural history lessons take place come rain or shine on Fernwood’s roof terrace, ‘the Lookout’. It’s a valiant effort to connect with nature at a town centre school set on a busy A-road through suburban south London....."

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